The EU provides funding for a wide range of projects and programs covering several areas. CCM worldwide is involved as a member of several consortia in framework contracts funded by the European Commission and other donors.
What are framework contracts ?
They are contracts with a specific procurement procedure, set up by the European Commission’s Cooperation Office, Europe Aid, to facilitate the implementation of external aid by mobilizing expertise in several fields in a fast and transparent manner.
Framework contracts provide beneficiary countries with aid and technical assistance programs to respond to specific issues, or to prepare the ground for initiatives provided for in the National Indicative Program concerning European aid in the beneficiary countries.
Operationally, they are usually 4-year contracts in which groups of companies (consortia) become “preferred suppliers” of technical assistance services to the EC in a specific area of expertise, called “Lot”. Each Lot is managed by several consortia which are invited – through “Requests for Services” (RfS) – to submit proposals including expert CVs, a financial offer and a succinct methodology.
Services Description

Each of the lots is intended to support and advise Commission services (HQ and EU Delegations) and/or partner countries/organisations throughout the operations cycle (from design to implementation and evaluation of EU interventions) by providing technical inputs and assisting in the conduct of analyses, studies, advice and guidance. To this end, each lot should integrate expertise related to a number of horizontal aspects/tasks, such as :
a) Analytical studies (e.g., feasibility studies, institutional/stakeholder analysis, policy and economic analysis, strategic environmental assessments, environmental impact assessments, climate risk assessments, intervention logic and logical framework change approach/theory, economic analysis, data collection and analysis, performance measurement and indicators, monitoring and evaluation systems1). This will also include the integration of cross-cutting issues (climate change, environment, resilience, youth, gender2 , disability and, more broadly, a rights-based approach), analysis of legislation, regulations and law enforcement, legislative gap analysis, etc.
b) Policy analysis (e.g. gender equality analysis, conflict sensitivity and absence of harm analysis, assessment of religious dynamics) and design. ) and design. This will also include the integration of cross-cutting issues.
c) Technical inputs (e.g., technical annexes for works and supplies)
d) Evaluation of bids; evaluation of grant proposals
e) Evaluations (e.g., mid-term, final and ex-post evaluations, impact assessments, including budget support programs)
f) Public financial management and domestic revenue mobilization, including at the sector and subnational government levels
g) Financing of investments
h) Capacity building and institutional strengthening
i) Training and Research
j) Awareness (including information and communication)
List of framework contract lots
Here is a non-exhaustive list of lots and projects by the framework contracts unit specialized in this field.

Framework Contract FWC 2018-2022
Lot 2 : Infrastructure, Sustainable Growth and Employment
Lot 3 : Human Rights, Democracy and Peace
Lot 4 : Human Development and Security System
Lot 6 : Innovative Financing for Development
Framework Contract FWC 2013-2017
Lot 2 : Transport and Infrastructure
Lot 3 : Telecommunications and Information Technology
Lot 6 : Environment
Lot 7 : Human Rights, Civil Society, Governance, Justice and internal Affairs
Lot 8 : Health
Lot 9 : Culture, Education, Employment and Social Affairs
Lot 10 : Trade, Standards and the Private Sector
Lot 11 : Macroeconomics, Statistics, Public Finance
Details of the lots and sectors
Master Contract FWC 2018-2022
Lot 2 : Infrastructure, Sustainable Growth and Employment
- Transportation and Infrastructure
- Digital Technologies and Services
- Earth Observation
- Urban and City Development
- Renewable Energy
- Nuclear Safety
- Sustainable Development & Waste Management
- Private Sector Development
- Trade Development
- Job Creation (labour market and employment – formal and non-formal)
Lot 3 : Human Rights, Democracy and Peace
- Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law
- Strengthening the Role of Civil Society
- Local Authorities & Decentralization
- Migration
- Conflict Prevention and Resolution, Peace and Security
Lot 4 : Human Development and Security System
- Education (formal and non-formal)
- Vocational Education and Training – VET (formal and informal)
- Lifelong Learning
- Social Inclusion and Protection (formal and informal)
- Health
- Research and Innovation
Lot 6 : Innovative Funding for Development
- Economic, financial, technical and legal experts on
- Financing Products and Structures (different forms, different objectives)
- Financiers/Risk Takers
- Markets and Financing Needs/Gaps
- Political Issues
- Legal, Institutional and Procedural Issues
Framework Contract FWC 2018-2022
Lot 2 : Transport and Infrastructure
- Roads
- Railways
- Ports and river infrastructures
- Airports and air traffic
- Intermodal infrastructures
- Transportation safety
- Water supply and sanitation
- Waste disposal and treatment
- Topography
Lot 3 : Telecommunications and Information Technology
- Telephony
- Broadcasting, Television
- Data transmission
- Multimedia Network
- Navigation systems, Localization and monitoring systems
- Earth Observation
- Application and Software
- Decision support system
- Specialized information systems
- Management Information Systems
- Data warehouse-Database
- Information system
- Education Management Information System
- Information system – management of public finances
Lot 6 : Environment
- Sustainable development
- Natural Resources and Ecosystems
- Climate change
- Marine/coastal environment
- Urban environment
- Waste Management
- Pollution
- Ecological disasters
Lot 7 : Human Rights, Civil Society, Governance, Justice and Internal Affairs
- Governance
- Human Rights
- Rights
- Migration
- Democratization
- Conflict and post-conflict
- Elections
- Corruption
- Gender
- Reforms
- Public Administration Reform
- Decentralization
- Community Development
- Local development
- Civil society, NGOs
- Capacity Building
- Organized crime, terrorism
- Institutional support
- Civil society
- Human Resources Management
Lot 8 : Health
- Public Health
- Epidemiology
- Health Economics
- Health financing
- Health Care
- Pharmaceutical sector
Lot 9 : Culture, Education, Employment and Social Affairs
- Culture
- Education
- Training
- Early Childhood Education
- Elementary education
- Secondary Education
- Higher Education
- Literacy
- Vocational training and technical education
- Labour market and employment
- Pension Policy
- Poverty
Lot 10 : Trade, Standards and the Private Sector
- Trade Policies
- Customs
- Accreditation, certification
- Metrology
- Standards and norms
- Technical barriers to trade
- Sanitary and phytosanitary measures
- Competition policy
- Bank
- Private sector, SMEs
- Privatization, PPP
- Investment promotion
- Financial Sector
- Tourism
Lot11 : Macroeconomics, Statistics, Public Finance
- Analysis, reforms
- Debts
- Economic growth
- Statistics
- Performance measurement and monitoring
- Public Sector
- Public Financial Management (PFM)
- Audit
- Budgeting
- Public Procurement

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