Formulation of a National Transitory Strategy and Action Plans for Solid Waste Treatment for Three Pilot Areas

Full description of the project

The State has already defined a strategy and action programs to deal with the problems of waste management and treatment in rural areas (pollution outside urban areas), although the difference between rural and urban areas needs to be clarified. It has been found that the relationship between pollution related to waste problems in rural areas and the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of water, whether surface water or groundwater, is positive.

The present mission will deal with the strategy and action plan to address the problems related to solid waste treatment in rural areas.

The solid waste strategy has broader concerns as it relates to :

  • A gathering of responsibilities that are too dispersed;
  • A reinforcement of the human resources dedicated to this sector, central laboratory, approved private laboratories, regional system of control and monitoring of the pollution;
  • The implementation of a “self-monitoring management” of polluters.

Mission objective

The objective of the mission is first to capitalize on the information from previous studies and projects, before formulating proposals to develop a transitional strategy.

The objective of the implementation of a transitional strategy is :

  • to contribute to the reduction of environmental pollution;
  • to reduce health risks for the rural population;
  • improve the conditions for sustainable economic development in rural areas;
  • to prevent and reduce the production of solid waste and its harmfulness to the environment;
  • to enhance the value of waste through reuse, recycling, and any action aimed at the recovery of reusable materials.




Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries

Organisme de financement

European Union (EU)

Full description of the project

The State has already defined a strategy and action programs to deal with the problems of waste management and treatment in rural areas (pollution outside urban areas), although the difference between rural and urban areas needs to be clarified. It has been found that the relationship between pollution related to waste problems in rural areas and the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of water, whether surface water or groundwater, is positive.

The present mission will deal with the strategy and action plan to address the problems related to solid waste treatment in rural areas.

The solid waste strategy has broader concerns as it relates to :

  • A gathering of responsibilities that are too dispersed;
  • A reinforcement of the human resources dedicated to this sector, central laboratory, approved private laboratories, regional system of control and monitoring of the pollution;
  • The implementation of a “self-monitoring management” of polluters.

Mission objective

The objective of the mission is first to capitalize on the information from previous studies and projects, before formulating proposals to develop a transitional strategy.

The objective of the implementation of a transitional strategy is :

  • to contribute to the reduction of environmental pollution;
  • to reduce health risks for the rural population;
  • improve the conditions for sustainable economic development in rural areas;
  • to prevent and reduce the production of solid waste and its harmfulness to the environment;
  • to enhance the value of waste through reuse, recycling, and any action aimed at the recovery of reusable materials.




Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries

Funding organization

European Union (EU)