Business Application Development

Full description of the project

The Project is defined within the framework of the Economic Management Support Program or AMECO Program. This program includes a component entitled “Modernization of the Ministry of Public Works” (component 4). One of the activities of this component is the development of the Information and Telecommunications System (SIT) of the MTP. The present project is one of the actions of this activity.

The project has two components.

Component 1 consists in designing, developing, installing and deploying, testing, and ensuring the operationality of business applications, to develop the computerization of the Ministry of Public Works (MTP). The scope of intervention of the contractor is four pilot sites (within a radius of 50 km from the site of the central administration), including the Central Administration of the MTP located in Algiers.

Component 2 deals with the organization and execution of pedagogical and logistical matters of training in computer science and new information and communication technologies (NICT). This training is aimed at the staff in charge of the support and development of the Information System for the Modernization of the Public Works Administration (SIMATP).

Overall objective

The general objective of the project is to develop a system for collecting, analyzing, and modeling statistical data in order to make economic information more reliable and usable by decision-makers.

It is the concretization of the recommendations made according to the master plan of the MTP IS, entitled Information System for the Modernization of the Public Works Administration (SIMATP) in terms of the provision of business applications.

Specific Objectives

Modernize the administration of Public Works, provide its staff with tools to assist them in their daily activities, and focus on the computerization of the following processes :

  • Management of the common repository databases of the Ministry’s information system
  • Management of the Ministry’s equipment programs (investments)
  • Management of equipment projects (investments)
  • Management of markets and contracts
  • Management of the equipment budget and its accounting
  • Management of works
  • Management of professions and accreditations
  1. Ensure the sustainability of this investment by improving the capacity of the department’s IT services to deploy, administer and maintain the solutions produced.
  2. Qualify the personnel of the beneficiary services in the use of the tools put in place.
  3. Training of personnel targeted in computer science and new information and communication technologies (NICT), for the development of the Information System for the Modernization of the Public Works Administration (SIMATP), on the topics set out in this ToR;




Ministry of Public Works

Organisme de financement

European Union (EU)

Full description of the project

The Project is defined within the framework of the Economic Management Support Program or AMECO Program. This program includes a component entitled “Modernization of the Ministry of Public Works” (component 4). One of the activities of this component is the development of the Information and Telecommunications System (SIT) of the MTP. The present project is one of the actions of this activity.

The project has two components.

Component 1 consists in designing, developing, installing and deploying, testing, and ensuring the operationality of business applications, to develop the computerization of the Ministry of Public Works (MTP). The scope of intervention of the contractor is four pilot sites (within a radius of 50 km from the site of the central administration), including the Central Administration of the MTP located in Algiers.

Component 2 deals with the organization and execution of pedagogical and logistical matters of training in computer science and new information and communication technologies (NICT). This training is aimed at the staff in charge of the support and development of the Information System for the Modernization of the Public Works Administration (SIMATP).

Overall objective

The general objective of the project is to develop a system for collecting, analyzing, and modeling statistical data in order to make economic information more reliable and usable by decision-makers.

It is the concretization of the recommendations made according to the master plan of the MTP IS, entitled Information System for the Modernization of the Public Works Administration (SIMATP) in terms of the provision of business applications.

Specific Objectives

Modernize the administration of Public Works, provide its staff with tools to assist them in their daily activities, and focus on the computerization of the following processes :

  • Management of the common repository databases of the Ministry’s information system
  • Management of the Ministry’s equipment programs (investments)
  • Management of equipment projects (investments)
  • Management of markets and contracts
  • Management of the equipment budget and its accounting
  • Management of works
  • Management of professions and accreditations
  1. Ensure the sustainability of this investment by improving the capacity of the department’s IT services to deploy, administer and maintain the solutions produced.
  2. Qualify the personnel of the beneficiary services in the use of the tools put in place.
  3. Training of personnel targeted in computer science and new information and communication technologies (NICT), for the development of the Information System for the Modernization of the Public Works Administration (SIMATP), on the topics set out in this ToR;




Ministry of Public Works

Funding organization

European Union (EU)