Formulation of Support to Health, Water, Sanitation and Governance for Nutrition under the 11th EDF in Chad

Full description of the project

For the past few years, Chad has placed the fight against malnutrition high on its development agenda with its membership in the SUN movement, REACH coordination and AGIR, the adoption of corresponding policies and strategies, and the holding in April 2015 of a National Forum on Nutrition and Food. EU support is aligned with the relevant axes of the NDP and the relevant sectoral strategies, in particular the National Nutrition and Food Policy (PNNA), the National Health Development Plan-2 (PNDS2), the National Social Protection Strategy (SNPS) and the National Rural Sector Investment Plan (PNISR).

It will aim to support these policies, in particular, the following aspects :

  1. Improving health and nutrition for the most vulnerable populations through prevention and nutritional care (in particular improving access to primary health care for pregnant and breastfeeding women and children under 5)
  2. Improving access to safe drinking water and sanitation, combined with awareness and information on hygiene
  3. sustainable and diversified increase in food production for both crops and livestock, better control of resources (land, soil fertility, water, energy) in the context of climate change, combining local development and commodity chains
  4. opening up (rehabilitation and maintenance of rural roads to support agricultural sectors, access to markets, redistribution of food surpluses, employment and local purchasing power, access to basic services)
  5. restoration and strengthening of livelihoods and resilience, and access to basic services and food for the poorest.

The overall objective of the mission is to contribute to the operationalization of Sector 1 of Chad’s 11th EDF NIP.

On the basis of the investment options and implementation modalities retained at the end of the identification phase (in progress) :

  1. Contribute to the formulation of the intervention package aimed at specific objectives 3 and 1 of Sector 1, in full coherence with the NIP and Chad’s national and sectoral policies, using a multidimensional approach. Confirm the technical and financial feasibility of the proposed interventions and their sustainability in the three dimensions: economic, social, and financial, as well as their validation by the stakeholders
  2. Prepare the corresponding project documents for funding under the 11th EDF, namely the action document – formulation part, the Technical and Administrative Provisions (TAPs) of the financing agreement(s), and the annexes such as logical framework, timeline, and detailed budget.




EDF National Authorizing Officer

Organisme de financement

European Union (EU)

Full description of the project

For the past few years, Chad has placed the fight against malnutrition high on its development agenda with its membership in the SUN movement, REACH coordination and AGIR, the adoption of corresponding policies and strategies, and the holding in April 2015 of a National Forum on Nutrition and Food. EU support is aligned with the relevant axes of the NDP and the relevant sectoral strategies, in particular the National Nutrition and Food Policy (PNNA), the National Health Development Plan-2 (PNDS2), the National Social Protection Strategy (SNPS) and the National Rural Sector Investment Plan (PNISR).

It will aim to support these policies, in particular, the following aspects :

  1. Improving health and nutrition for the most vulnerable populations through prevention and nutritional care (in particular improving access to primary health care for pregnant and breastfeeding women and children under 5)
  2. Improving access to safe drinking water and sanitation, combined with awareness and information on hygiene
  3. sustainable and diversified increase in food production for both crops and livestock, better control of resources (land, soil fertility, water, energy) in the context of climate change, combining local development and commodity chains
  4. opening up (rehabilitation and maintenance of rural roads to support agricultural sectors, access to markets, redistribution of food surpluses, employment and local purchasing power, access to basic services)
  5. restoration and strengthening of livelihoods and resilience, and access to basic services and food for the poorest.

The overall objective of the mission is to contribute to the operationalization of Sector 1 of Chad’s 11th EDF NIP.

On the basis of the investment options and implementation modalities retained at the end of the identification phase (in progress) :

  1. Contribute to the formulation of the intervention package aimed at specific objectives 3 and 1 of Sector 1, in full coherence with the NIP and Chad’s national and sectoral policies, using a multidimensional approach. Confirm the technical and financial feasibility of the proposed interventions and their sustainability in the three dimensions: economic, social, and financial, as well as their validation by the stakeholders
  2. Prepare the corresponding project documents for funding under the 11th EDF, namely the action document – formulation part, the Technical and Administrative Provisions (TAPs) of the financing agreement(s), and the annexes such as logical framework, timeline, and detailed budget.




EDF National Authorizing Officer

Funding organization

European Union (EU)