Web and XML Development Training
Full description of the project
This intervention is part of the Modernization and Assistance Program for Administrative Reforms (MARA).
Within the framework of this program, the IT Technical Assistance Team is involved in the reorganization of the Régies’ structures and also in actions to improve the skills of Régies’ personnel, particularly through training, both in the use of new applications and in perfecting project management and IT project management.
CCM aims to support the General Directorate of Customs in the preparation of a new generation SIGAD object-oriented computerization.
These courses cover the areas :
- development in Java, the Eclipse development environment, and the management of object persistence in a relational database with Hibernate.
- Java-J2EE platform, Java Beans, servlet and JSP development, rich client development with SWT and Eclipse RCP, and a Java workshop.
Web page development with HTML, CSS, Javascript, and web application security; the struts framework; introduction to XML and web services; developing with XML and XSL
Algerian Ministry of Finance / General Directorate of Customs
Organisme de financement
European Union (EU)
Full description of the project
This intervention is part of the Modernization and Assistance Program for Administrative Reforms (MARA).
Within the framework of this program, the IT Technical Assistance Team is involved in the reorganization of the Régies’ structures and also in actions to improve the skills of Régies’ personnel, particularly through training, both in the use of new applications and in perfecting project management and IT project management.
CCM aims to support the General Directorate of Customs in the preparation of a new generation SIGAD object-oriented computerization.
These courses cover the areas :
- development in Java, the Eclipse development environment, and the management of object persistence in a relational database with Hibernate.
- Java-J2EE platform, Java Beans, servlet and JSP development, rich client development with SWT and Eclipse RCP, and a Java workshop.
Web page development with HTML, CSS, Javascript, and web application security; the struts framework; introduction to XML and web services; developing with XML and XSL
Algerian Ministry of Finance / General Directorate of Customs
Funding organization
European Union (EU)