This project is an integral part of the Support Programme for SMEs and the mastery of information and communication technologies (PMEII). The overall objective is to strengthen and ensure the valorisation of the SME II Programme and its results, through the design, implementation, and monitoring of communication activities
- ADD ANYTHINGThis project is an integral part of the Support Programme for SMEs and ICT Literacy (SME II). The overall objective is to strengthen and ensure the valorisation of the SME II programme and its results, through the design, implementation and monitoring of communication activities.
- ADD ANYTHINGThe present mission falls within the framework of the support project for youth employment and skills development in rural areas "PADEJ-MR" financed by the African Development Bank for the selection of a firm to provide technical assistance for the consolidation of the incubation and training of trainers system of the Agency for the Financing and Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises (AFP-PME).
- ADD ANYTHINGThe BFPME was constituted within the framework of the law n° 65 2001, on March 1st, 2005.its registered capital at the subscription of 50 million TND, paid up to the quarter at the constitution. An increase to 100 million TND is planned after full payment of the capital.
- ADD ANYTHINGThe Privatization Process Knows In Algeria, Since The Year 2004 A New Dynamics Characterized By The Strong Will Of The State To Accelerate The Implementation. The present contract is part of a larger program of assistance to industrial restructuring and privatization.
- ADD ANYTHINGWithin the framework of its modernization and reorganization program, the Ministry of Commerce envisages the creation of a National School for the training of its executives in control techniques and commercial negotiation
- ADD ANYTHINGThe need to align with international standards of organization and management is essential to develop the competitiveness of SMEs
- ADD ANYTHINGThe objective of this mission is to facilitate the liberalization process of the Algerian economy and to increase its integration into the world economy.
- ADD ANYTHINGThe support program for industrial restructuring and privatization (PARIP) includes two axes of intervention:
- ADD ANYTHINGThe issues and challenges brought about by the interdependence of economies in the context of trade globalization have radically transformed the rules of management and business management. It is in this very difficult context that managers must adopt new management styles and radically change their behavior.
- ADD ANYTHINGThe Support Program for Industrial Restructuring and Privatization (PARIP) has two components of action which concern respectively the support to the privatization process engaged by the Algerian government and the support to the redefinition of the new objectives of the Ministry of Industry.
- ADD ANYTHINGThe Agency for the Promotion of Industry (API) provides various services to industrial companies in order to provide them with information and assistance adapted to their needs and, in order to improve their competitiveness.
- ADD ANYTHINGThe objective of the envisaged mission is to elaborate the detailed terms of reference for a multi-year technical assistance program to the EIB's approved financial intermediaries within the framework of the two global loans: Technopolis Global Loan and Tunisian Enterprises Global Loan.
- ADD ANYTHINGThe objective of this mission is to conduct generic and specialized training programs for investors and food inspectors.
- ADD ANYTHINGThe P3A is a program agreed between the Tunisian government and the European Union to support the efforts of the Tunisian administration and public institutions in the implementation of the Association Agreement.
- ADD ANYTHINGThis project aims to improve the efficiency of the business creation process, through the improvement of the functioning of the one-stop shop and the procedures.
- ADD ANYTHINGWithin the framework of the private sector support program launched by the EC in the Mediterranean, numerous diagnostic missions have been implemented at the level of the different functions of the companies
- ADD ANYTHINGThe objective of this mission is to promote the attraction of direct investments in Tunisia through a support to FIPA.
- ADD ANYTHINGFrom the perspective of the entry into force of the Association Agreement between the European Union and Lebanon, the Industrial Modernization Program was set up in Lebanon in 2001 with the creation of a Business Center in Beirut (ELCIM).
- ADD ANYTHINGIn order to support the reforms undertaken in the trade sector and contribute significantly to their improvement, the European Union, in coordination with the Algerian authorities, decided to finance a trade facilitation support program (TRFACI)
- ADD ANYTHINGThe mission is part of the improvement of the competitiveness of the service sector (institutions and companies) to enable Tunisia to comply with European standards (an essential requirement to access the EU market and according to the procedures of European compliance).